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Overview of STRC

The Science and Technology Research Center of China Customs (hereinafter referred to as STRC) is a bureau-level public institution directly under the General Administration of China Customs (GACC). The main responsibilities of STRC include: To carry out fundamental and critical scientific and technological research of overall importance on the Customs system and the construction of the Customs standardization system; to undertake technical tasks relating to the construction of specialized reference laboratories in the Customs system; to provide the reliable technological support for the review of disputed test and appraisal results, arbitration and emergency response to major or unexpected incidents; and to provide technical services for Beijing Customs.

STRC comprises 17 organizations, including five administration departments, eight professional research institutes and four technical support departments.

As a designated laboratory for import and export commodity inspection and appraisal, STRC owns eight state key laboratories of GACC, which are qualified for laboratory accreditation, proficiency testing provider accreditation and laboratory bio-safety accreditation by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). Furthermore, STRC also qualifies as an inspection and testing agency, a competent agency for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) nucleic acid testing in Beijing, one of the first national food re-inspection agencies, a designated laboratory for China Compulsory Certification (CCC), a vice-president unit of the China Union of Proficiency Testing (CUPT), a recognized testing agency from KFDA Approved and a French cognac identification agency.

Centering around the whole business area of the new Customs, STRC harnesses its advantages in the system, resources, talents and technology to give full play to the leading role of science and technology, intensive and comprehensive management. It commits to addressing scientific and technological problems of overall, critical and fundamental importance in the Customs system, and strives to provide strong technical support for the new Customs in fully performing its duties.

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版权所有:中国海关科学技术研究中心  主办单位:中国海关科学技术研究中心